JSON Validator Online Overview
Purpose of a JSON Validator
- Syntax Validation: Ensures the JSON is properly structured (e.g., correct use of commas, braces, and quotes).
- Error Detection: Identifies specific issues in JSON, such as missing commas, unclosed braces, or improperly quoted strings.
- Schema Validation (Optional): Validates JSON against a predefined schema to check if the data structure meets the required format (e.g., types, required fields).
- Formatting: Helps in formatting and beautifying JSON for better readability.
Key Features of JSON Validators
- Validation: Checks the correctness of JSON syntax.
- Error Reporting: Pinpoints the exact line or character where the error occurs.
- Highlighting: Highlights mistakes in the JSON for easy debugging.
- Pretty Printing: Formats JSON to improve readability by adding proper indentation.
- Schema Support (Advanced Validators): Validates JSON against a specific schema (e.g., JSON Schema) to ensure it complies with predefined structural rules.
Why Use a JSON Validator?
- Error Prevention: JSON with syntax errors will not work in applications or APIs. Validation ensures error-free data.
- Time-Saving: Quickly identifies and resolves issues, saving debugging time.
- Improved Collaboration: Ensures developers and systems exchange well-structured, readable JSON data.
- Schema Validation: Useful in ensuring JSON data meets application or API requirements.
Valid JSON
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"isEmployee": true,
"skills": ["C#", "JavaScript", "SQL"],
"address": {
"city": "New York",
"zip": "10001"
Invalid JSON
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"isEmployee": true,
"skills": ["C#", "JavaScript", "SQL"]
"address": { "city": "New York", "zip": "10001" }
Error: Missing comma between skills
and address
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