Time now in India
More Information About India
- Country Name: India
- ISO2: IN
- ISO Numeric: 356
- Phone Code: 91
- Continent: Asia
- Capital: New Delhi
- Time Zone: Asia/Kolkata
- Currency: Rupee
- Language Codes: en-IN,hi,bn,te,mr,ta,ur,gu,kn,ml,or,pa,as,bh,sat,ks,ne,sd,kok,doi,mni,sit,sa,fr,lus,inc
- Languages: Hindi 41%, Bengali 8.1%, Telugu 7.2%, Marathi 7%, Tamil 5.9%, Urdu 5%, Gujarati 4.5%, Kannada 3.7%, Malayalam 3.2%, Oriya 3.2%, Punjabi 2.8%, Assamese 1.3%, Maithili 1.2%, other 5.9%
- Area (KM²): 3287590
- TimeZone: Asia/Kolkata
- GMTOffset: UTC +05:30
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