Time now in Russian Federation
More Information About Russia
- Country Name: Russia
- ISO2: RU
- ISO Numeric: 643
- Phone Code: 7
- Continent: Europe
- Capital: Moscow
- Time Zone: Europe/Moscow
- Currency: Ruble
- Language Codes: ru,tt,xal,cau,ady,kv,ce,tyv,cv,udm,tut,mns,bua,myv,mdf,chm,ba,inh,tut,kbd,krc,ava,sah,nog
- Languages: Russian (official) 96.3%, Dolgang 5.3%, German 1.5%, Chechen 1%, Tatar 3%, other 10.3%
- Area (KM²): 17100000
- TimeZone: Europe/Kaliningrad
- GMTOffset: UTC +02:00
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